Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Higgledy Piggledy Goethite at Lake George

After nearly a full week of poor weather I set off again for the spot at Lake George that I’ve been working with my digging partner Bob. We have been having a bit of luck in this area of the claim, but we’ve found nothing extraordinary. I started to work a small seam that drifted off a massive pegmatite and found a few 1” crystals but none of them were noteworthy. After finishing that spot I checked in on Bob to see how he was doing. Bob found a highly mineralized pegmatite with broken crystals below the surface at only inches to as much as 3 feet underground. Some of the smoky quartz plates Bob found would have 3 or 4 major crystals (6”) on them but all would be broken off. Bob did find a few collectible solo crystals. We both remarked about what could have been for this pocket had it not been busted up by nature long ago. I settled down near Bob on what was part of a general pegmatite structure running up the hill. I found a few small plates of smokys and microcline as well as some goethite. It seem that all the crystal producing plates were next to decaying tree roots. Evidently the tree sent its roots in vugs or seams within the pegmatite that produced the crystals. I’ve often found tree roots in conjunction with crystals at Lake George. Bob also found some goethite sprays which seem to be dispersed higgledy-piggledy within the scree at this site(always wanted to use higgledy-piggledy) These goethite sprays will be a nice addition to Bob’s collection. Unfortunately most of the larger quartz material was damaged by nature.

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