Sunday, September 8, 2013

Prospector's Show Revisited

If you find minerals on National Forest/ BLM property you can't sell the minerals unless properly permitted.
You can collect them all you want for recreational purposes, but that doesn't include selling the minerals. Evidently 3 of the 4 groups the Prospector's program focused on are not properly permitted, Joe Doris being the exception. The author of the article below makes the group out to be less than the sharpest sticks in the bunch. Evidently the author would expect that people who go on a nationally televised programming would know the rules of prospecting federal land and reselling minerals. I'll let you judge for yourself.

See for original blog on this subject:

I also wish to thank my readers for putting my blog over the 10,000 page view statistic yesterday.

Latest update 28 Sep: Some hearsay... When you sell minerals to the public and go on national TV but haven't delcared the income from mineral sales on your tax returns the IRS will hunt you down. The treasury Dept of Colorado will also take an interest in your tax returns. The "underground economy" only works when it stays underground.

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